Now here's some interesting statistics. The graph below shows the trend in house prices in Hertfordshire since David Cameron's Conservative party came to power in May 2010 in coalition with Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrat party.
In 2013 the market suddenly rocketed upwards and has been on a steady increase ever since. Now compare this to the chart below which details the performance of house prices in Hertfordshire under the Labour government term, starting with Tony Blair in 1997 and ending with Gordon Brown in 2010 (Gordon came to office at Number 10 in May 2005)
It's interesting to note that the general performance of both governments generally seem to have had a positive influence in rising house prices, which is handy for those owning property, although Labour have clearly had to carry the can for the economic collapse during their term.
This analysis is important as it gives an impression of how different governments deal with creating wealth through housing - the Conservatives seem to be able to generate property wealth much more rapidly than Labour which shows how their respective policies to government operate.
It'll certainly be interesting to plot the rise (or fall!) of house prices in Hertfordshire over the next five years with the next government. What do you think will happen to house prices if we have a UKIP / Labour coalition? What if Conservatives remain in power? Post your thoughts in the comments below.
If you're interested in knowing what YOUR home is worth, contact me directly over at Hawk And Chadwick on 01727 226 253 or 01582 346 111.
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